Sample Theme: a working sample theme named Forest is available to use as an example.
Initializing the Theme
You'll want to create a custom plugin if you're creating a theme. You can then share the plugin if you'd like others to have your custom Quotes theme. If you want to sell your theme, please get in touch and we can work out an agreement.
The quotes_dlx_pre_themes_loaded Action
Before the themes are loaded in via code, the action quotes_dlx_pre_themes_loaded is triggered, which allows you to "hook" in and initialize your own themes.
From there, you can use the filter quotes_dlx_themes to add in your theme callback.
Here's a sample of how to do this using a composer autoloader with a PHP namespace:
<?php/** * Plugin Name: QuotesDLX Forest Theme * Plugin URI: * Description: Green forest theme for QuotesDLX. * Version: 1.0.0 * Requires at least: 5.9 * Requires PHP: 7.2 * Author: MediaRon LLC * Author URI: * License: GPL v2 or later * License URI: * Text Domain: quotes-dlx * Domain Path: /languages * * @package QuotesDLX */namespaceMediaRonLLC\QuotesDLXThemes;// Support for site-level autoloading.if ( file_exists(__DIR__.'/lib/autoload.php') ) {require_once__DIR__.'/lib/autoload.php';}/** * Add your own theme to QuotesDLX. * * @paramarray $themes Existing themes that are to be registered. */functionadd_themes( $themes ) { $themes[] =__NAMESPACE__.'\ForestTheme\Themes_Forest';return $themes;}/** * Theme initialization has begun. */functiontheme_registration_init() {// Init filter to add a theme to the defaults.add_filter('quotes_dlx_themes',__NAMESPACE__.'\add_themes');}add_action('quotes_dlx_pre_themes_loaded',__NAMESPACE__.'\theme_registration_init');
One important note is when you use the quotes_dlx_themes filter callback, you must provide the class file of your theme initialization file (more on that in a bit).
You can expect the following if you inspect the $themes array, and you would add or subtract from this array depending on your needs.
The above expects the Themes_Forest class to be in a ForestTheme directory. Here's a snippet of the code for reference:
/** * Add your own theme to QuotesDLX. * * @paramarray $themes Existing themes that are to be registered. */functionadd_themes( $themes ) { $themes[] =__NAMESPACE__.'\ForestTheme\Themes_Forest';return $themes;}
The Theme Initialization File
All of the themes extend a base class that assists in add-on registration. All you need is to extend the class and add in your own settings.
The Theme add-on class can be found here within the QuotesDLX plugin:
├─ php
│ ├─ Themes
│ │ ├─ Themes_Addon.php
Your first task when creating the theme initialization file is to extend the Themes_Addon class.
<?php/** * Initialization for the light theme. * * @package quotes-dlx */namespaceMediaRonLLC\QuotesDLXThemes\ForestTheme;useMediaRonLLC\QuotesDLX\Themes\Themes_Addonas Themes_Addon;/** * Holds variables for the Forest theme. */classThemes_ForestextendsThemes_Addon {
In this case, you'd:
Set up a custom namespace for your file
Use the QuotesDLX Themes_Addon class as a reference
Extend the Themes_Addon class.
Here's the full code of the sample Forest theme as far as initialization.
<?php/** * Initialization for the forest theme. * * @package quotes-dlx */namespaceMediaRonLLC\QuotesDLXThemes\ForestTheme;useMediaRonLLC\QuotesDLX\Themes\Themes_Addonas Themes_Addon;/** * Holds variables for the Forest theme. */classThemes_ForestextendsThemes_Addon {/** * Contains an instance of this class, if available. * * @since 1.0.0 * @varThemes_Forest $instance If available, contains an instance of this class */privatestatic $instance = null;/** * Theme name. * * @varstring $name The theme name. */protectedstatic $name ='Forest';/** * Slug for the theme. * * @varstring $slug The theme slug. */protectedstatic $slug ='forest';/** * Category for the theme. * * @varstring $category The theme category. */protectedstatic $category ='core';/** * Theme version. * * @varstring $version The theme version. */protectedstatic $version ='1.0.0';/** * Description for the theme. * * @varstring $theme_description The theme description. */protectedstatic $theme_description;/** * Author name. * * @varstring $author_name The author of the theme. */protectedstatic $author_name ='Ronald Huereca';/** * Author URL. * * @varstring $author_url URL for the author. */protectedstatic $author_url ='';/** * Large Image Width. Used for previews. * * @varint $full_width Image width of full-size image. */protectedstatic $full_width =900;/** * Large Image height. Used for previews. * * @varint $full_height Image height of full-size image. */protectedstatic $full_height =500;/** * Theme color or gradient. * * @varstring $preview_color The theme preview color hexcode or gradient color. */protectedstatic $preview_gradient ='linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(58,73,40,1) 14%, rgba(109,74,59,1) 85%);';/** * Preview URL image for theme. * * @varstring $preview_image_url The theme preview image URL. */protectedstatic $preview_image_url ='';/** * Accent Color (hex code) for the theme. * * @varstring $accent_color Accent color of theme. */protectedstatic $accent_color ='#657786';/** * Returns an instance of this class, and stores it in the $instance property. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @returnThemesForest $instance An instance of the Themes_Light_Branded class */publicstaticfunctionget_instance() {if ( null ===self::$instance ) {self::$instance=newThemes_Forest(); }returnself::$instance; }/** * Get the name of the theme. */protectedstaticfunctionget_name() {return_x('Forest','A lucious green forest theme to make your quotes stand out.','quotes-dlx'); }/** * Get the slug of the theme. */protectedstaticfunctionget_slug() {returnself::$slug; }/** * Get the preview gradient of the theme. */protectedstaticfunctionget_preview_gradient() {returnself::$preview_gradient; }/** * Get the stylesheet URL. */protectedstaticfunctionget_stylesheet_url() {returnplugins_url('dist/theme-forest-css.css', dirname(__FILE__)); }/** * Get the image preview URL. */protectedstaticfunctionget_preview_image_url() {returnplugins_url('images/forest-theme-preview.jpg', dirname(__FILE__)); }/** * Get the category. */protectedstaticfunctionget_category() {returnself::$category; }/** * Get the author. * * @returnstring author. */protectedstaticfunctionget_author() {returnself::$author_name; }/** * Get the author url. * * @returnstring Author URL. */protectedstaticfunctionget_author_url() {returnself::$author_url; }/** * Get the theme description. * * @returnstring Theme description. */protectedstaticfunctionget_description() {self::$theme_description=__('A lucious green forest theme to make your quotes stand out. Works great on a dark or light background.','quotes-dlx');returnself::$theme_description; }/** * Get the theme version. * * @returnstring Theme version. */protectedstaticfunctionget_version() {returnself::$version; }/** * Get the theme image preview width. * * @returnint Theme image width. */protectedstaticfunctionget_image_width() {returnself::$full_width; }/** * Get the theme image preview height. * * @returnint Theme image height. */protectedstaticfunctionget_image_height() {returnself::$full_height; }/** * Get the colors of the theme. * * @returnarray $args { * @type string $name Name of the color. * @type string $slug Slug of the color. * @type string $color Hex code (including #) of the color. * } */protectedstaticfunctionget_colors() {returnarray(array('name'=>__('Primary','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'primary','color'=>'#3A4928', ),array('name'=>__('Secondary','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'secondary','color'=>'#6d4a3b', ),array('name'=>__('Accent','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'accent','color'=>'#cc7000', ),array('name'=>__('Text Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'text-color','color'=>'#FFFFFF', ),array('name'=>__('Quotes Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'quotes-color','color'=>'#cebfb9', ),array('name'=>__('Border Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'border-color','color'=>'#685046', ),array('name'=>__('Inner Background Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'inner-background-color','color'=>'#FFFFFF', ),array('name'=>__('Buttons Primary Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'button-primary-color','color'=>'#6d4a3b', ),array('name'=>__('Buttons Secondary Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'button-secondary-color','color'=>'#FFFFFF', ),array('name'=>__('Button Primary Text Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'button-primary-text-color','color'=>'#FFFFFF', ),array('name'=>__('Button Secondary Text Color','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'button-secondary-text-color','color'=>'#6d4a3b', ),array('name'=>__('Button Border','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'button-primary-border-color','color'=>'#DDDDDD', ),array('name'=>__('Light','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'light','color'=>'#FFFFFF', ),array('name'=>__('Dark','quotes-dlx'),'slug'=>'dark','color'=>'#2B2B2B', ), ); }}
This is the name or label of your theme. You can name your theme anything you like, but be mindful that you'll need a unique slug.
Theme Slug
/** * Slug for the theme. * * @varstring $slug The theme slug. */protectedstatic $slug ='forest';
This will be the slug you use in your stylesheet and also for saving theme options, so be sure it's unique.
Theme Category
/** * Category for the theme. * * @varstring $category The theme category. */protectedstatic $category ='core';
Each theme can have a custom category. At the moment, there aren't enough themes to justify sorting, but this may be added in the future.
You can add your own custom categories by using the Themes_Addon_Categories class. For example, here is how the Core category is created.
// Register any categories.Themes_Addon_Categories::register('Core',array('description'=>__('Default themes that come with the plugin','quotes-dlx'), ));
/** * Description for the theme. * * @varstring $theme_description The theme description. */protectedstatic $theme_description;
You would leave this empty and use a getter to return the theme's description.
/** * Get the theme description. * * @returnstring Theme description. */protectedstaticfunctionget_description() {self::$theme_description=__('A lucious green forest theme to make your quotes stand out. Works great on a dark or light background.','quotes-dlx');returnself::$theme_description;}
Theme Author
Fill out your name here.
/** * Author name. * * @varstring $author_name The author of the theme. */protectedstatic $author_name ='Ronald Huereca';
Theme Author URL
You can fill in your website domain here.
/** * Author URL. * * @varstring $author_url URL for the author. */protectedstatic $author_url ='';
Preview Image Dimensions
For the preview that shows in the theme options, it is recommended to specify the exact size.
Preview Sizes: The recommended size is 900x500.
/** * Large Image Width. Used for previews. * * @varint $full_width Image width of full-size image. */protectedstatic $full_width =900;/** * Large Image height. Used for previews. * * @varint $full_height Image height of full-size image. */protectedstatic $full_height =500;
Preview Gradient
A preview gradient will show up in the block editor to showcase your primary and secondary colors.
/** * Theme color or gradient. * * @varstring $preview_color The theme preview color hexcode or gradient color. */protectedstatic $preview_gradient ='linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(58,73,40,1) 14%, rgba(109,74,59,1) 85%);';
Preview URL
You can leave this blank.
/** * Preview URL image for theme. * * @varstring $preview_image_url The theme preview image URL. */protectedstatic $preview_image_url ='';
Use this to return a localized version of the name of the theme.
/** * Get the name of the theme. */protectedstaticfunctionget_name() {return_x('Forest','A lucious green forest theme to make your quotes stand out.','quotes-dlx');}
This will return the slug for the theme.
/** * Get the slug of the theme. */protectedstaticfunctionget_slug() {returnself::$slug;}
This will return the preview gradient set.
// Some code/*** Get the preview gradient of the theme.*/protectedstaticfunctionget_preview_gradient() {returnself::$preview_gradient;}
This will return the location to your CSS file for the theme.
/** * Get the stylesheet URL. */protectedstaticfunctionget_stylesheet_url() {returnplugins_url('dist/theme-forest-css.css', dirname(__FILE__));}
This will return the path to the image used in the theme preview.
/** * Get the image preview URL. */protectedstaticfunctionget_preview_image_url() {returnplugins_url('images/forest-theme-preview.jpg', dirname(__FILE__));}
This will return the theme's category.
/** * Get the category. */protectedstaticfunctionget_category() {returnself::$category;}
This will return the theme's author.
/** * Get the author. * * @returnstring author. */protectedstaticfunctionget_author() {returnself::$author_name;}
This will return the website for the theme's author.
/** * Get the author url. * * @returnstring Author URL. */protectedstaticfunctionget_author_url() {returnself::$author_url;}
Return a translatable theme description.
/** * Get the theme description. * * @returnstring Theme description. */protectedstaticfunctionget_description() {self::$theme_description=__('A lucious green forest theme to make your quotes stand out. Works great on a dark or light background.','quotes-dlx');returnself::$theme_description;}
Return the theme's version.
/** * Get the theme version. * * @returnstring Theme version. */protectedstaticfunctionget_version() {returnself::$version;}
Return the width of the image
/** * Get the theme image preview width. * * @returnint Theme image width. */protectedstaticfunctionget_image_width() {returnself::$full_width;}
Return the height of the image.
/** * Get the theme image preview height. * * @returnint Theme image height. */protectedstaticfunctionget_image_height() {returnself::$full_height;}
Define your own colors, slugs, and labels for the theme.
The slug: the slug is important as a CSS variable will be created based on your theme slug and your color slug.
For example, with a color slug of "purple" and a theme slug of "forest", the following CSS variable will be created:
--qdlx-forest-purple: {your color}
You can then reference this variable in your CSS file: