Comment Deletion

Sometimes comments are left in haste or in the moment, and the user would simply like to remove the comment rather than edit it. Allowing users to delete their comments is a nice way of self-policing their comments.

Enabling Comment Deletion

Comment deletion is enabled by default

When a user edits a comment, they will see a button allowing them to delete their own comment.

When a user chooses to delete their own comment, a confirmation is shown.

Delete Only Option

The "Delete Only" option is designed to only show the Delete option when editing a comment. The Edit button isn't visible, but a Delete option instead.

Removing the Confirmation

When editing their comment, the Delete button is shown.

By default, a confirmation is shown to the user to prevent accidental clicks.

You can disable or enable this confirmation by toggling the setting.

Delete Comments Demo

Here is the behavior of a user deleting a comment.

As you can see, when a user deletes a comment, a status update shows and the comment is removed from view.

Last updated