reCAPTCHA 3 Support
reCAPTCHA 3 is an invisible captcha for your comment form
reCAPTCHA Admin Settings
You can find reCAPTCHA in the Integrations tab for Comment Edit Pro.
Retrieving reCAPTCHA 3 Keys
Visit the documentation above on how to create your reCAPTCHA 3 keys. The interface will look like this:
reCAPTCHA 3 Options
reCAPTCHA 3 for Logged-in Users
If you don't want to show reCAPTCHA 3 for your logged-in users, you can check this option.
The Comment and Submit Button IDs
For advanced users, if you have a different comment form ID and/or submit button ID, you can enter those here (without the # sign).
reCAPTCHA Threshold
reCAPTCHA ranks submissions on a scale of 0-1, with 1 being the best score.
By default, this is set to 0.5, but you can set this higher or lower depending on your audience.
Last updated