How Highlight and Share Works

Highlight and Share at its core is a highlighter. If users select some text, the user will be shown a row of enabled social networks.

Text Selection

Highlight and Sharing displays a small pop-up when a reader highlights text on your site.

By default, this works on any post or page content. You can customize Highlight and Share to show anywhere using advanced selectors.

Advanced Selectors

Inline Highlighting

You can mark a selection of text as an inline highlight using the Block Editor format option, or wrapping a selection with class has-inline-text.

What is Inline HighlightingConfigure Inline Highlighting

Click to Share Block and Shortcode

The Click to Share block and shortcode allow you to heavily customize a "Click to Share" box that readers can click on to share.

The Click to Share BlockClick to Share Shortcode

Image Sharing

Enable Pinterest and the Web Share API for your images.

Image Sharing

Last updated