Advanced Selectors

Enable Highlight and Share on other areas of your site

Highlight and Share allows for custom selectors.

Custom selectors are handy when you are using a page builder and the content is not within the normal content loop.

In general, you shouldn't have to choose a selector unless directed by support or a developer.

CSS Class Selectors

Input any CSS classes (without the dots and comma-separated).

Highlight and Share will search for these classes and will be enabled for any text within these classes.

An example would be enabling Highlight and Share for widget areas.

CSS ID Selectors

Input any CSS IDs (without the # sign and comma-separated).

Highlight and Share will search for these IDs and will be enabled for any text within the CSS ID.

HTML Elements

Input any HTML elements (e.g., section, main).

Highlight and Share will search for these elements and will be enabled for any text within the elements.

Last updated