Finding the Plugin's Settings

Finding the plugin's settings are easy and straightforward.

Mapping a Post Type Archive and 404 Page

Head to Settings > Reading to Set Post Type Archives and the 404 Page

To map a post type or a 404 page, go to Settings > Reading in the WordPress admin.

For post types, it'll only pick up post types that are:

  • public

  • has_archive is set to true

You're able to map any public post type, and also map a 404 page to a page as well.

Mapping a Term Archive

To map a term to a page, visit that term's edit screen.

Find the Term Edit Screen to Map a Term

Once in edit mode, you can map the term's archive to a page.

Map a Term to a Page

Mapping Author Archives

Editing the user's profile allows you to change an author's slug and map the author's archive to a page.

Author Mapping Options

Finding the Admin Settings

You can find the admin settings under Settings > Archive Pages Pro.

Archive Pages Pro Admin

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