Shortcode Usage

Learn how to use AlertsDLX with shortcodes

To use AlertsDLX as a shortcode, you can use the following format:

[alertsdlx alert_group="bootstrap"]Alert Description[/alertsdlx]

Here are the parameters you can use, with examples for each.


Add a unique ID around the alerts container. This is useful if you need to style to alert.

[alertsdlx unique_id="my-unique-id" alert_title="this is a title"]Alert Description[/alertsdlx]


The type of alert style to use. This can be:

  • bootstrap

  • chakra

  • material

  • shoelace


For Bootstrap, alert types can be:

  • primary

  • secondary

  • success

  • danger

  • warning

  • info

  • light

  • dark

  • custom (see custom colors)

For Chakra, alert types can be:

  • success

  • info

  • warning

  • error

  • custom (see custom colors)

For Material, alert types can be:

  • success

  • info

  • warning

  • error

  • custom (see custom colors)

For Shoelace, alert types can be:

  • primary

  • success

  • neutral

  • warning

  • danger

  • custom (see custom colors)

Example shortcode use:

[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_group="bootstrap" mode="light" alert_type="secondary" ]Alert Description[/alertsdlx]


Can be:

  • center

  • wide

  • full

  • left

  • right

Example shortcode use:

[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_group="bootstrap" mode="light" align="left" alert_type="secondary" ]Alert Description[/alertsdlx]


Use this parameter if you'd like to set an alert title.

[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title"]


Use this parameter to set the alert description.

[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_description="this is a test"]// Some code

You can also place the description within the shortcode.

[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title"]This is a much longer description that can go inside the shortcode.[/alertsdlx]// Some code

maximum_width and maximum_width_unit

Set the maximum width for the alert.

Can be any CSS unit. For example:

  • px

  • em

  • %

  • vw

  • vh

The following sets a max width of 500 pixels.

[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_description="test" maximum_width_unit="px" maximum_width="500"]


This takes SVG markup if you would like an icon to show. You may need to replace the double quotes with single quotes in order to have it work within the shortcode.

For example:

[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_description="test" icon="<svg xmlns='' height='1em' viewBox='0 0 448 512'><path d='M256 0H192V51.2C119 66 64 130.6 64 208v88L0 368v48H448V368l-64-72V208c0-77.4-55-142-128-156.8V0zm32 448H224 160c0 17 6.7 33.3 18.7 45.3s28.3 18.7 45.3 18.7s33.3-6.7 45.3-18.7s18.7-28.3 18.7-45.3z'/></svg>"]


Can be:

  • top

  • centered


[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_description="test" icon="<svg xmlns='' height='1em' viewBox='0 0 448 512'><path d='M256 0H192V51.2C119 66 64 130.6 64 208v88L0 368v48H448V368l-64-72V208c0-77.4-55-142-128-156.8V0zm32 448H224 160c0 17 6.7 33.3 18.7 45.3s28.3 18.7 45.3 18.7s33.3-6.7 45.3-18.7s18.7-28.3 18.7-45.3z'/></svg>" icon_vertical_alignment="centered"]


Can be:

  • default

  • rounded


[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_description="test" icon="<svg xmlns='' height='1em' viewBox='0 0 448 512'><path d='M256 0H192V51.2C119 66 64 130.6 64 208v88L0 368v48H448V368l-64-72V208c0-77.4-55-142-128-156.8V0zm32 448H224 160c0 17 6.7 33.3 18.7 45.3s28.3 18.7 45.3 18.7s33.3-6.7 45.3-18.7s18.7-28.3 18.7-45.3z'/></svg>" icon_appearance="rounded"]


In pixels, what should be the base font size of the alert? The size of the text and icons scales to the base font size, particularly on mobile and desktop.


[alertsdlx alert_title="this is a title" alert_description="test" base_font_size="20"]


What variant to use for the alert?

For Bootstrap, variants are:

  • default

  • centered

For Chakra, variants are:

  • subtle

  • solid

  • left-accent

  • top-accent

  • centered

For Material, variants are:

  • default

  • outlined

  • filled

  • centered

For Shoelace, variants are:

  • top-accent

  • left-accent

  • solid

  • centered

Shortcode example:

[alertsdlx alert_group="chakra" variant="solid" alert_type="warning" icon="" alert_title="There has been a mistake"]An error Occurred[/alertsdlx]


Choose dark or light mode. Properties can be:

  • dark

  • light

Dark mode isn't available for the bootstrap alert group.

[alertsdlx alert_group="chakra" variant="solid" alert_type="warning" icon="" mode="dark" alert_title="There has been a mistake"]An error Occurred[/alertsdlx]

button_text and button_url

If showing a button, what text should go inside the button? In order to print a button, a URL must also be specified.

[alertsdlx alert_group="chakra" variant="solid" alert_type="warning" icon="" mode="light" alert_title="There has been a mistake" button_text="Accept" button_url=""]An error Occurred[/alertsdlx]


This can be 'true' or 'false'. If 'true' the URL will open in a new window.

[alertsdlx alert_group="chakra" variant="solid" alert_type="warning" icon="" mode="light" alert_title="There has been a mistake" button_text="Accept" button_url="" button_target="true"]An error Occurred[/alertsdlx]


This can be 'true' or 'false'. If 'true' the URL will be wrapped in a no-follow attribute.

[alertsdlx alert_group="chakra" variant="solid" alert_type="warning" icon="" mode="light" alert_title="There has been a mistake" button_text="Accept" button_url="" button_target="true" button_rel_no_follow="true"]An error Occurred[/alertsdlx]// Some code

Custom Colors

If you have an custom alert type for parameter alert_type, you can specify these in the shortcode:

  • color_primary (primarily used for the text color)

  • color_border

  • color_accent (used for the button background color)

  • color_alt (used as a hover color for the button)

  • color_bold (used as an icon color)

  • color_light (primarily used as a background color)

[alertsdlx alert_group="bootstrap" alert_type="custom" color_primary="#333" color_border="#000" color_accent="#035e88" color_alt="#0277bd" color_bold="#03a9f4" color_light="#e5f6fd"]Alert Description[/alertsdlx]

Close Button

You can add a close button to the alert. You'd use the following parameters together:

  • close_button_enabled - Whether to show the close button (true or false)

  • close_button_expiration - Time in seconds to save the close behavior. Set to 0 to never remember any expiration.

[alertsdlx alert_group="bootstrap" close_button_enabled="true" close_button_enabled="true" close_button_expiration="0"]Alert Description[/alertsdlx]

Last updated