Getting Started

This will walk you through how to get started with Ajaxify Comments.

When first installed, Ajaxify Comments is disabled by default. This is so you can set up the selectors and appearance of Ajaxify Comments before enabling the plugin.

Set up the Selectors

Head to the admin settings and view the Selectors tab. Selectors tell Ajaxify Comments about your comment section.

If you are an advanced user, please enter the selectors that make up your comment section.

Use Menu Helper to Find the Selectors

Use Menu Helper: Find a post or page with comments and use Menu Helper to assist in finding your selectors.

Selectors are an advanced topic requiring you to inspect your comment section's HTML source. This is why Menu Helper was created. For first-time setup, Menu Helper is available to help you along.

Go ahead and enable Menu Helper.

Navigate to a Post or Page With Comments Enabled

Find a post with comments enabled and navigate to the front end of that post (i.e., view it on the site).

With the admin bar enabled, you'll see Ajaxify in the top admin bar.

Launch Selector Helper

Selector Helper is a wizard that tries to scan your site's source code for the right comment selectors.

Comments must be enabled, and at least one comment should be posted.

The wizard will check if comments are enabled and at least one comment has been left on the post.

If you need to enable comments, there is a shortcut in Menu Helper.

If all checks pass, you'll see a success confirmation allowing the Selector Helper to run.

Selector Helper first checks that there is at least one comment and that comments are open. If the tests pass, it will scan the source for the comment selectors.

If all of the selectors have been found, you'll see a table of the found selectors, which you can then save.

Use Menu Helper to Simulate Ajaxify Comments Enabled

You can simulate what Ajaxify Comments will look like when enabled. Using Menu Helper, select "Simulate Enabled."

This will refresh the page, and you can post comments as if Ajaxify Comments is enabled. A "Back to Post" button will allow you to return to the page without Ajaxify Comments enabled.

With Ajaxify Comments enabled, you can use Menu Helper to simulate the loading, error, and success messages that Ajaxify Comments uses. This is useful for adjusting the appearance and previewing the changes on the front end.

Leave a Few Test Comments

Leave a few test comments and ensure all error messages work (posting duplicate comments, empty comments).

Enable Ajaxify Comments

If comments are working as expected, it's time to enable Ajaxify Comments.

Using Menu Helper, visit the admin settings to enable Ajaxify Comments.

You can now enable Ajaxify Comments, and you can disable Menu Helper.


Help and Support

Please leave a star rating. A lot of work has gone into making this plugin, and star ratings help spread awareness of the plugin and help improve the plugin's reputation.

If you need help or support, please use the .org forums or the support form on DLX Plugins.

Last updated