These are the filters you can use to enable or disable social networks.
There are filters for each social network where you can enable/disable each network programmatically.
An example of hiding a social network via code would look like this:
Each filter returns a boolean:
Changing labels and tooltips programmatically
There are several filters to programmatically change labels and tooltips.
Here's an example of changing a label and tooltip for Twitter:
The following filters are enabled for labels and tooltips (they both return strings):
has_twitter_text | has_twitter_tooltip
has_facebook_text | has_facebook_tooltip
has_linkedin_text | has_linkedin_tooltip
has_xing_text | has_xing_tooltip
has_reddit_text | has_reddit_tooltip
has_telegram_text | has_telegram_tooltip
has_whatsapp_text | has_whatsapp_tooltip
has_copy_text | has_copy_tooltip
has_email_text | has_email_tooltip
You can use the following filters for enabling or disabling Highlight and Share for certain posts or pages:
has_enable_content (returns a boolean)
has_enable_excerpt (returns a boolean)
You can use the above filters to show or hide Highlight and Share text selection on certain pages.
For example, to exclude Highlight and Share from an About page, you could do the following:
To disable the CSS for Highlight and Share, please use the following filter: has_load_css
The filter returns a boolean.
Example code for this filter is: