This goes over Menu Helper and how it can help you set up Ajaxify Comments
Menu Helper provides shortcuts in the admin bar and is helpful when you are first setting up the plugin. It is disabled by default but is easily enabled in the admin settings.
The Admin Bar Must Be Enabled: Menu Helper lives in the admin bar, so if you don't see Menu Helper, go to your user profile and enable the admin bar on the front end.
Menu Helper has the following tools and shortcuts:
Simulate Enabled/Disabled - Simulate the page with Ajaxify Comments enabled or disabled. This is useful for debugging and also testing out the plugin before enabling it on the site.
Launch Selector Helper - This tool scans your page and tries to find the comment selectors for you.
Close/Open Comments - Quickly open and close comments. Please note that for Selector Helper to work, comments must be open.
Preview Error Messages - Launch the preview notifications that come with Ajaxify Comments. This is useful for previewing the notifications on the front end.
Admin Shortcuts - Shortcuts to the admin settings and the selectors allow for quick navigation between the front and admin sections.
Here is how to enable Menu Helper and how to use some of the various shortcuts and tools included.
To enable Menu Helper, head to the "Home" screen in the admin settings.
Toggle Menu Helper on and save the settings.
Navigate to a post with comments open and that has a few posted comments.
You'll find an Ajaxify menu item, which contains most of the Menu Helper tools and shortcuts.
One of the first things you'll want to do after enabling Menu Helper is to simulate what Ajaxify Comments looks like on your site. Understandably after installing the plugin, you want to make sure it works before actually enabling it. This is why Ajaxify Comments is disabled by default in the admin settings.
By clicking Simulate Enabled, you can test how Ajaxify Comments works without affecting the site.
Once enabled, try to post and interact with the comment section, and check that the error handling is working by submitting a blank comment and a duplicate comment.
When you're done, click "Back to Post" in the admin bar.
If Ajaxify Comments is indeed enabled, then you'll see a Simulate Disabled option in Menu Helper.
This is useful if you are testing an integration, or troubleshooting another plugin and need to test what it's like with Ajaxify Comments disabled. When clicked on, there is a "Back to Post" option as well.
Selector Helper is a wizard that tries to scan your site's source code for the right comment selectors.
Comments must be enabled, and at least one comment should be posted.
The wizard will check if comments are enabled and at least one comment has been left on the post.
If you need to enable comments, there is a shortcut in Menu Helper.
If all checks pass, you'll see a success confirmation allowing the Selector Helper to run.
Selector Helper first checks that there is at least one comment and that comments are open. If the tests pass, it will scan the source for the comment selectors.
If all of the selectors have been found, you'll see a table of the found selectors, which you can then save.
If you need to enable or disable comments, there is a shortcut in Menu Helper.
You don't have to post comments to test the notifications. You can do it right from Menu Helper.
Menu Helper is not designed to be active all the time. If you are done with Menu Helper, you can disable it in the admin settings. There is a shortcut to the settings in the Menu Helper toolbar.
For more information on how to get set up, please see the Getting Started guide.
Post comments without a page reload
Ajaxify Comments allows you to post comments without a page reload. Any error messages are also rendered inline as well.
Ajaxify Comments hooks into the WordPress native comment system and is designed to work with most themes. The plugin is developer-friendly, customizable, and translatable.
When leaving comments, Ajaxify Comments will try to scroll to the comment so it is in view when posted.
Disabling the Scroll to Anchor feature prevents any such scrolling from occurring.
You can adjust the appearance of the comment overlay in the Appearance settings.
A sticky preview bar shows so you can launch a preview after adjusting settings.
You can adjust the following:
Colors of the text and overlay
The opacity of the overlay
Padding and border-radius
Font size and alignment
Fade-in and fade-out speeds
Here's a GIF of how you can adjust the settings.
Head to the Labels tab in the admin settings.
All labels shown to the users should be listed here, and you can update the language used for each label.
For translating Ajaxify Comments using WPML, please check out the link below.
Callbacks allow you to run custom JavaScript code in certain parts of execution. For example, if you have an Edit Comments plugin, you can run a custom function that initializes the plugin after a comment has been posted.
Each callback can pass arguments, which are documented below and will be in scope for any custom JS functionality that needs to run.
A common use-case of callbacks is another plugin that needs to run before, during, and after Ajaxify Comments loads.
This allows you to run JavaScript code before Ajaxify Comments has selected the DOM elements.
One argument is in scope, which is a jQuery representation of the DOM elements selected.
If you'd rather use a native JS event, you can use the event: wpacBeforeSelectElements
This callback provides no arguments.
If you'd rather use a native JS event, you can use the event: wpacBeforeSelectElements
commentUrl (string)
unapproved (boolean)
If you'd rather use a native JS event, you can use the event: wpacAfterPostComment
newDom (jQuery DOM element)
commentUrl (string)
If you'd rather use a native JS event, you can use the event: wpacBeforeUpdateComments
newDom (jQuery DOM element)
commentUrl (string)
This will walk you through how to get started with Ajaxify Comments.
When first installed, Ajaxify Comments is disabled by default. This is so you can set up the selectors and appearance of Ajaxify Comments before enabling the plugin.
Head to the admin settings and view the Selectors tab. Selectors tell Ajaxify Comments about your comment section.
If you are an advanced user, please enter the selectors that make up your comment section.
Use Menu Helper: Find a post or page with comments and use Menu Helper to assist in finding your selectors.
Selectors are an advanced topic requiring you to inspect your comment section's HTML source. This is why Menu Helper was created. For first-time setup, Menu Helper is available to help you along.
Go ahead and enable Menu Helper.
Find a post with comments enabled and navigate to the front end of that post (i.e., view it on the site).
With the admin bar enabled, you'll see Ajaxify in the top admin bar.
Selector Helper is a wizard that tries to scan your site's source code for the right comment selectors.
Comments must be enabled, and at least one comment should be posted.
The wizard will check if comments are enabled and at least one comment has been left on the post.
If you need to enable comments, there is a shortcut in Menu Helper.
If all checks pass, you'll see a success confirmation allowing the Selector Helper to run.
Selector Helper first checks that there is at least one comment and that comments are open. If the tests pass, it will scan the source for the comment selectors.
If all of the selectors have been found, you'll see a table of the found selectors, which you can then save.
You can simulate what Ajaxify Comments will look like when enabled. Using Menu Helper, select "Simulate Enabled."
This will refresh the page, and you can post comments as if Ajaxify Comments is enabled. A "Back to Post" button will allow you to return to the page without Ajaxify Comments enabled.
With Ajaxify Comments enabled, you can use Menu Helper to simulate the loading, error, and success messages that Ajaxify Comments uses. This is useful for adjusting the appearance and previewing the changes on the front end.
Leave a few test comments and ensure all error messages work (posting duplicate comments, empty comments).
If comments are working as expected, it's time to enable Ajaxify Comments.
Using Menu Helper, visit the admin settings to enable Ajaxify Comments.
You can now enable Ajaxify Comments, and you can disable Menu Helper.
Please leave a star rating. A lot of work has gone into making this plugin, and star ratings help spread awareness of the plugin and help improve the plugin's reputation.
If you need help or support, please use the .org forums or the support form on DLX Plugins.
Log into your WordPress admin (i.e., your dashboard)
Go to Plugins->Add New
Type in "Ajaxify Comments"
Install and Activate the plugin
After activation, you can find the plugin's settings in the Dashboard under Settings->Ajaxify Comments.
Unzip the plugin zip in a place you can remember for the next steps
Log into your FTP program of choice for your website
Upload the unzipped folder into wp-content/plugins
Log into your admin dashboard
Head to the plugins screen
Search for Ajaxify Comments.
Activate the plugin
After activation, you will be taken to the plugin's settings screen.
Ajaxify Comments is a free plugin: Please on the WordPress Plugin Directory
Download the plugin zip file
Lazy loading comments can improve performance
Lazy-loading comments can improve the page load of your blog posts and pages. If there are a lot of comments on a post, this can slow down the page's loading speed.
Make sure you set your selectors first. You can use Menu Helper to help set your selectors.
Find the Lazy Load options in the admin settings. The first option on the page allows you to enable or disable lazy loading for comments.
You can use Menu Helper to simulate lazy loading before it's activated.
Here are the types of Triggers and what you can do for each one.
Comments do not load unless specifically invoked by an external source.
The external source will want to call this JavaScript function to load in the comments:
This option allows Ajaxify Comments to load when the comments section has been reached. This will be useful for never loading the comments for the user until that user reaches further down the page in the comments section.
You can adjust a vertical scroll offset (in pixels) to "trigger" loading a certain distance above the comments section.
This will load comments once the page has finished loading. This is the default behavior.
This option allows you to set which HTML element or CSS selector must be scrolled into view in order to load comments.
Use a valid CSS selector using jQuery notation (.css-class,#css-id,form
For example, if you set a selector to some Related Posts at the bottom of your content, the comments will load in when the posts are scrolled into view.
You can set the scroll offset so that the loading occurs a certain number of pixels above the offset.
Units are in pixels: Scroll offset is in pixels.
You can set the loading trigger to be scroll distance. This will load the comments when a user reaches a certain number of pixels from the top of the screen.
You can choose between an overlay or no overlay for lazy loading. An animation of the loading popover is below.
The Overlay can be configured in the Appearance settings.
Ajaxify Comments will try to update the URL location bar to keep track of its state. You can disable this feature if you wish to prevent the URLs from being updated dynamically.
Here is an example of a dynamic URL created:
Selectors help tell Ajaxify Comments about your comment section.
Selectors can be an advanced topic, so it's best to allow Menu Helper to help with finding the right selectors.
To find the right selectors, it's recommended to open the developer tools in your browser and go to elements.
Selectors must be compatible with jQuery notation. IDs must have a #
sign and classes must have a .
in front of them.
This container wraps the comments list. You can usually find it by opening the dev tools and finding an individual comment.
Trace this comment back to its parent container, and you'll find the container ID or class.
This is the wrapper ID or class for the form
element in the comments section.
This can usually be found by inspecting the comment form's textarea element and tracing it back to the form
parent element.
This wraps the respond area for the comment section.
You can usually find this by selecting the comment form's textarea and tracing it back to the form's parent container.
This is the comment form's textarea field and can be found by selecting the comment's textarea.
This is the submit button for the comment section. It can be found by selecting the submit button and finding the ID or class of the button or input.
Advanced Selectors must be in jQuery notation.
All five Ajaxify Comments scripts will load separately if:
Uncompressed scripts are enabled
Debug mode is enabled for the plugin
This will load Ajaxify Comments everywhere. Please note that if debug
mode is enabled, Ajaxify scripts will load everywhere in that case as well.
It is always advisable to load scripts in the footer for performance reasons.
Scripts will load in the footer if:
Place scripts in the footer is enabled
Debug mode is enabled
SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled
Translate Ajaxify Comments with WPML
This guide will walk you through how to translate Ajaxify Comments using WPML.
Ajaxify Comments has several labels available to translate. Here's how to translate them using WPML.
Ajaxify Comments has several labels that are displayed that can be translated. These can be found in the labels screen of Ajaxify Comments.
These labels are designed to be translated for one language, but you can use WPML and modify these labels per language.
Install WPML and WPML String Translation and follow the setup process for the plugin.
To register the strings for translation in WPML, we'll have to save the Ajaxify Comments settings.
Head to any of Ajaxify Comments admin screens and save the settings. This will register the strings.
Head to the Translation Management screen, which you can find in the WPML menu item.
Select "Ajaxify" from the "Types" menu and filter. You can now select the "Ajaxify Comment Labels" item.
Select "Ajaxify Comment Labels" and click the "Add to Translation Queue" button.
Head to the "Translations" item under the WPML menu item.
Once on the "Translations" screen, you'll be able to select "Ajaxify Comment Labels" and translate those.
While on the translate screen, you'll see the old labels that you can translate into your new language.
Complete all of the translations, mark them as complete, and save.
Head to the frontend, and try to post a few test comments while in the alternate language.
The labels are one small part of Ajaxify Comments. In order to translate Ajaxify Comments wholistically, you need to head to the Themes and Plugin Localization menu item under WPML.
Find the plugin Ajaxify Comments
and scan for the strings.
While on the same screen, after scanning, select the "Ajaxify Comments" translation to edit it.
Alternatively, you can head to the Strings Translation under WPML and select the wp-ajaxify-comments
Need more help?
Please reach out to support.
The source files for the scripts are in .
is a popular multi-language plugin that allows you to translate strings for multiple languages using WordPress.
You need the WPML Multilingual CMS plan: The comes with the , which you'll need to translate Ajaxify Comments.
This action is executed after all of Ajaxify Comments' scripts have been enqueued. This is useful to run custom scripts after Ajaxify Comments.
Regardless if Ajaxify Comments is disabled, you can pass true
to force load the scripts and functionality needed to take over the comment section. This can still be overruled by the dlxplugins/ajaxify/comments/can_load
Prevent any loading of Ajaxify Comments scripts or functionality regarding the comment section.
This next filter, if false
is returned, will not redirect the plugin to the plugin's settings screen after activation.
Ajaxify Comments allows changing the alert and text colors in the Appearance settings of the admin.
When selecting colors, Ajaxify attempts to get the theme's colors. You can return custom colors by hooking into this next filter.
Filter the options before they are output via JSON as settings. This can be used to manipulate labels or settings per post and post type.
Filter definition:
Please contact support.
You can use filter dlxplugins/ajaxify/comments/options/pre_output
to filter the options returned by the plugin.
The filter accepts 3 arguments:
: (array) Optioons array containing the labels.
: (int) Post ID of the comment being posted to.
: (string) Post type of the comment being posted to.
Here is an example of changing the labels for WooCommerce reviews:
Twenty Twenty-Three is a default block theme for WordPress.
Twenty Twenty-Three has a different selector structure than a lot of themes. While FSE is catching on and themes are changing, we will update the selectors as needed.
These selectors are for reference until they can be built into Menu Helper.
Ollie is a block theme for WordPress
Ollie has a different selector structure than a lot of themes. While FSE is catching on and themes are changing, we will update the selectors as needed.
These selectors are for reference until they can be built into Menu Helper.
Released 2023-10-06 Added support for the Ollie theme. Updated Menu Helper to better support block-enabled themes. Added WPML support to the plugin (docs on how to set this up).
Released 2023-10-03 Added CSS class to overlay for easier styling. Added WPML config for translatable string options.
Released 2023-09-30 Placed
call only on comment posting, improving performance. Resolved improperfunctions.php
inclusion. New filter for changing options before they are output as JSON.
Released 2023-09-28 Refactoring lazy loading. It should be much more reliable now. It has been tested with Astra, Twenty Twenty-Three, and Genesis themes. Updating Menu Helper to simulate lazy loading on or off.
Released 2023-09-27 Lazy loading was referencing the wrong variable. This has been fixed.
Released 2023-09-24 Renamed WP Ajaxify Comments to Ajaxify Comments in the admin. Updated branding. Completely refreshed admin interface. The admin is now organized into tabs with quick saving and reset options. Appearance tab allows for a real-time preview of the plugin's appearance. Appearance tab is a lot more user friendly, allowing for easy customization of the plugin's appearance. Added Support tab with helpful links to documentation and support. Removed admin notice on plugins screen. Replaced admin notice with contextual plugin row notice. This will display whenever debug mode is on, or if the plugin is disabled. Added first-time-installation notice for new users who are new to setting up the plugin. Added synthetic callback events for the available callbacks. This allows developers to hook into the plugin's events without having to modify the plugin's code. Callbacks have a slightly more secure implementation and execution. Added a tool called Selector Helper, which will help users find the right selectors for their theme. Please read the announcement post for more information.
Released 2023-08-30 Ensuring compatibility with WordPress 6.3.
Fixed HTML5 validation warning for script tag
Updated default value for "Comments container selector" to work with default theme "Twenty Twenty" without breaking compatibility to older (default) themes
Added compatibility to older WordPress versions (< 5.2.0) and to WordPress 5.6
Added compatibility to latest WordPress versions >### 5.5.0 Updated Waypoints library to 4.0.1 Updated jQuery blockUI plugin to 2.70.0 Updated Idle Timer to 1.1.1 Updated jsUri to 1.3.1
Preserve focus element when reloading comments Fixed deprecated error in PHP 7.4
Added compatibility to latest WordPress versions
Optimized JavaScript injection
Removed dependency to PHP session
Fixed "Undefined variable: wpac_options"
Added JavaScript callback "OnAfterPostComment"
Prevent the comment form from being submitted multiple times in parallel Fixed PHP notice "Undefined index: pagenow" (thanks to ravipatel)
Added (expert) option "Enable by query"
Added request parameters "WPACAll", "WPACSkip" and" WPACTake" to query comments
Added (expert) option "Disable cache" Use GET request when updating comments
Fixed link to settings page in admin frontend
Fixed compatibility to WordPress 4.1 Changed plugin name from "WP-Ajaxify-Comments" to "WP Ajaxify Comments"
Changed plugin owner to weweave an added professional support Added (expert) option "Base URL" to support reverse proxy configuration Fixed page title update for titles containing UTF-8 characters Typo fix in default localization
Loading comments now updates page title (thanks to Jincheng Shan) OnBeforeSubmitComment callback is now called before submitUrl is extracted
Updated localization for zh-CN (thanks to Jincheng Shan) Added CDATA tag for inline JavaScript (thanks to Jincheng Shan)
Added parameter commentUrl to callbacks OnBeforeUpdateComments and OnAfterUpdateComments
Changed order of links in plugin overview Make sure WPAC._Options is always initialized Bugfix for comment paging links
Added (expert) option "Place scripts in footer" Added option "Comment links selector" to prevent (complete) page loads for comment links on pages if "Break comments into pages [...]" is enabled Bugfix for "Users must be registered and logged in to comment" Fixed PHP Notice for PHP < 5.4.0
Minor optimizations Added (expert) option "Optimize AJAX response" to save bandwidth Fixed JavaScript includes for HTTPS
Added option "Disable scroll to anchor" Fixed paging support and async comment loading for pages where comments are closed Fixed compressed JavaScript file Fixed support for URLs with comments anchor if async comment loading is enabled
Added option "Post container" to support for multiple comment forms per page Added option "Comment pages URL regex" to support none default WordPress comment pages
Added parameter newDom to callbacks OnBeforeUpdateComments and OnAfterUpdateComments Fixed JavaScript error "TypeError: WPAC._Options is undefined" (thanks to Suzanne Ahjira) Fixed JavaScript error in Internet Explorer (thanks to timhengeveld)
Fixed double slashes in JavaScript include (thanks to Mr Press)
Added option to define when to load comments asynchronously with secondary AJAX request Optimized JavaScript includes (use compressed/merged JavaScript file and only include files if they are needed)
Fixed "Undefined index" PHP notice (thanks to fergomez)
Fixed compatibility to wpMandrill (thanks to paddywagon)
"OnAfterUpdateComments" callback is now called after form data has been reset
Added options to customize (default) WordPress messages Disabled (auto) scrolling when comments are updated by "Auto update idle time" Fixed compatibility to jQuery "no conflict mode"
Bugfix for cross-domain scripting detection
Added option "Auto update idle time" to automatically update comments if user is "idle" Updated jQuery blockUI to 2.64
Added option to disable URL updating
Fixed some PHP strict warnings
Fixed compatibility to PHP < 5.4.0
Fixed compatibility to jQuery "no conflict mode"
Added options to customize texts WPAC.RefreshComments() and WPAC.LoadComments() now accept option object (and added option "showLoadingInfo" to suppress loading overlay) Updated jQuery blockUI to 2.61 Added jsuri 1.1.1 to avoid query strings with duplicated WPAC fallback parameters
Comment paging now updates browser URL Added localization for da-DK (thanks to Bjarne Maschoreck) Bugfix for themes where comment form is not nested in comment container Bugfix for clearing all settings (thanks to HarroH)
Ajaxified comment paging Improved debug support for cross-domain scripting problems
Hotfix for environments where PHP is not installed as an Apache module
Bug-fix: Options are no longer saved if validation fails Refactored and extended client-side JavaScript API Updated localization for de-DE Added option to load comments asynchronously with secondary AJAX request
Added localization for hu-HU (thanks to Patrik Bagi) Added option to customize the overlay's width Added option to customize the overlay's padding
Added localization for he-LI (thanks to Siman-Tov Yechiel (www.wpstore.co.il)) Added JavaScript callback ("Before submit comment") Updated jQuery blockUI to 2.57
Added JavaScript method wpac_init() to enable manual client side initialization Optimized SQL queries (thanks to Geleosan) Added validation for "scrollSpeed" option Fixed debug alert message in IE 9 Added localization for sk-SK (thanks to Branco, Slovak translation (WebHostingGeeks.com))
Added option to customize the font size Added i18n support for admin frontend
Added JavaScript callback ("Before select elements")
Added localization for ar (thanks to sha3ira)
Fixed some PHP warnings (thanks to petersb) Fixed HTTPS check for ISAPI under IIS Added support for non-standard HTTP port Fixed handling of unexpected/unsupported server responses
Added localization for ru-RU and uk (thanks to Валерий Сиволап)
Added JavaScript callbacks ("Before update comments" and "After update comments")
jQuery 1.7+ compatibility: Use on() or delegate() if available instead of deprecated live() (thanks to tzdk)
Added localization for tr-TR (thanks to Erdinç Aladağ) Added localization for pt-BR (thanks to Leandro Martins Guimarães)
Added localization for fa-IR (thanks to rezach4)
Updated localization for zh-CN (thanks to Liberty Pi) Updated jQuery blockUI to 2.42 (thanks to Mexalim)
Success overlay now supports comments that are awaiting moderation Add "?" when commentUrl has no query string to reload page in case of partial page update fails More detailed debug messages and debug support for Internet Explorer 9 Added localization for ca (thanks to guzmanfg)
Added localization for nl-NL (thanks to Daniël Tulp)
Success and error overlays now show default cursor instead of loading cursor Fixed problems for translations containing double quotes Cancel AJAX request if cross-domain scripting is detected Added options to customize the look and feel Added localization for vi-VN (thanks to Nguyá»…n HÃ Duy PhÆ°Æ¡ng) Added localization for es-ES (thanks to guzmanfg) Updated localization for de-DE
Added localization for pl-PL (thanks to Jacek Tomaszewski)
Bugfix for Internet Explorer
Added localization for fr-FR (thanks to saymonz)
Added localization for zh-CN (thanks to Liberty Pi)
Added i18n support Added localization for de-DE
Fallback mode reloads page with comment anchor Bug-fix for themes where comment form is nested in comments container (thanks to saymonz)
Added Option "Error Container Selector" to customize the error message extraction Added compatibility with comment spam protection plugins like "NoSpamNX" (thanks to Liberty Pi) Removed timeout for loading overlay (thanks to saymonz)
Fixed compatibility with setting pages of other plugins (thanks to saymonz) Reactivated warning and info notices on admin page "Plugins"
Fixed updating of browser address bar
Support for themes with threaded comments where form tag is not nested in comment container (Smooth) scrolling to new comment after new comment has been posted Update browser address bar to show comment URL after new comment has been posted Abort plugin initialization on pages and posts where comments are not enabled Info overlay when complete page reload is performed in fallback mode
Fixed error with warning and info notices on admin page "Plugins"
Initial release
Fixed HTML5 validation warning for script tag
Updated default value for "Comments container selector"
Added compatibility to older WordPress versions (< 5.2.0) and to WordPress 5.6
Added compatibility to latest WordPress versions >### 5.5.0 and updated external libraries
Preserve focus element when reloading comments and fixed deprecated error in PHP 7.4
Added compatibility to latest WordPress versions
Optimized JavaScript injection
Removed dependency to PHP session
"Undefined variable: wpac_options"
Added JavaScript callback "OnAfterPostComment"
Prevent the comment form from being submitted multiple times in parallel, fixed PHP notice "Undefined index: pagenow"
Added (expert) option "Enable by query"
Added request parameters "WPACAll", "WPACSkip" and "WPACTake"
Added (expert) option "Disable cache", use GET request when updating comments
Fixed link to settings page in admin frontend
Fixed compatibility to WordPress 4.1
Added (expert) option "Base URL" to support reverse proxy configuration, fixed page title update for titles containing UTF-8 characters, typo fix
Loading comments now updates page title, OnBeforeSubmitComment callback is now called before submitUrl is extracted
Updated localization for zh-CN
Added parameter commentUrl to callbacks OnBeforeUpdateComments and OnAfterUpdateComments
Changed order of links in plugin overview, Make sure WPAC._Options is always initialized, Bugfix for comment paging links
Added (expert) option "Place scripts in footer", Bugfix for "Users must be registered and logged in to comment", Added option "Comment links selector", Fixed PHP Notice for PHP < 5.4.0
Minor optimizations, Added (expert) option "Optimize AJAX response", Bugfix for HTTPS
Added option "Disable scroll to anchor", Bugfixes for pages where comments are closed and/or async comment loading is enabled, Fixed compressed JavaScript file
Added support for multiple comment forms per page and support for none default WordPress comment pages
Added parameter newDom to callbacks OnBeforeUpdateComments and OnAfterUpdateComments, Fixed JavaScript errors
Fixed double slashes in JavaScript include
Optimized JavaScript includes, Added option to customize trigger for asynchronous comment loading
Fixed "Undefined index" PHP notice
Fixed compatibility to wpMandrill
"OnAfterUpdateComments" callback is now called after form data has been reset
Options to customize (default) WordPress messages, Disabled (auto) scrolling when comments are updated by "Auto update idle time", Fixed compatibility to jQuery "no conflict mode"
Bugfix for cross-domain scripting detection
Added option to automatically update comments if user is "idle", Updated jQuery blockUI to 2.64
Added option to disable URL updating
Fixed some PHP strict warnings
Fixed compatibility to PHP < 5.4.0
Fixed compatibility to jQuery "no conflict mode"
Added options to customize texts, Updated jQuery blockUI to 2.61, Improved client-side API, Added jsuri 1.1.1 to optimize query string sin fallback URLs
Bug-fixes, improved URL updating, added localization for da-DK
Ajaxified comment paging, added localization for da-DK
Hotfix for environments where PHP is not installed as an Apache module
Bug-fixes, refactored and extended client-side JavaScript API
Added localization for hu-HU, added more options to customize the overlays
Added localization for he-LI, added JavaScript callback ("Before submit comment"), updated jQuery blockUI to 2.57
Added JavaScript method wpac_init(), optimzed SQL queries, fixed debug alert in IE 9, added localization for sk-SK
Added option to customize the font size, i18n support for admin frontend
Added JavaScript callback ("Before select elements")
Added localization for ar
Some bug-fixes
Added localization for ru-RU and uk
Added JavaScript callbacks
jQuery 1.7+ compatibility
Added localization for tr-TR and pt-BR
Added localization for fa-IR
Updated localization for zh-CN, Updated jQuery blockUI to 2.42
Bug-fix, support for comments that are awaiting moderation, more detailed debug messages & debug support for IE 9, added localization for ca
Added localization for nl-NL
Bug-fix, added options to customize the look and feel, added localizations (vi-VN and en-ES), updated localization for de-DE
Added localization for pl-PL
Added localization for fr-FR
Added localization for zh-CN
Added i18n support
Bug-fix & minor improvements
Added compatibility with comment spam protection plugins
Better theme support (for threaded comments) and new features
Show Confetti when someone leaves a comment.
Ajaxify Comments is compatible out of the box with the Confetti plugin.
The pro version is equally capable and has many more styles.
Edit comments with Ajaxify Comments
Comment Edit Core allows you to edit comments for up to 5 minutes.
To ensure compatibility between Comment Edit Core and Ajaxify Comments, you can update the OnAfterUpdateComments
callback with the following snippet:
You should now be able to edit comments when new comments are posted.